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A Look Back

A Look Back is an experience that compiles your highlights since joining Facebook. Depending on how long you’ve been on Facebook and how much you’ve shared, you’ll see a movie, a collection of photos or a thank you card.
Take a look at: facebook.com/lookback

Click Edit above your movie. Use the checkmarks on your photos and other stories to adjust whether they appear in your movie.
After you're done editing, click Update or Share Your Movie above the video player to save your changes and share the edited movie.
When you share your movie, use the dropdown audience selector to chose who you share it with. People who are in the audience you chose (ex: friends, public) will be able to see your movie.
Keep in mind that if your movie includes things you only shared with a few people, the people you share your movie with will now be able to see everything you included in your movie.
You can edit your movie to adjust what’s included, and select the audience you share it with. If you change your mind about who you would like to share your movie with, you can change the audience from your activity log.


People poke their friends or friends of friends on Facebook for a lot of reasons (ex: just saying hello). When you poke someone, they'll receive a notification.

To poke someone:
  1. Go to the person's Timeline
  2. Click  in their cover photo
  3. Select Poke
When you poke someone, they'll see the poke  icon along with your name on the right side of their News Feed or their Pokes page when they're logged into Facebook on a computer. They may also receive a notification.
Only the person you poke can see that you've poked them.
Once you remove a poke from your homepage you can't get it back, but you're able to poke your friend again. Keep in mind you can't be poked by the same person unless you remove their poke first.
You can see your pokes activity on your pokes page. It will begin showing you how many times you've poked back and forth with a friend after you've poked them more than once.

Where will your friends take you?

One of the biggest criticisms about Facebook is that it's basically a database of every random person you've ever met, and that too many of the things on the site are meaningless drivel posted by people you have no interest in actually being friends with in real life.
The social network is combatting those criticisms with a new ad campaign, titled "Where will your friends take you?" It shows how Facebook can be used to bring people together offline to make life better.